You may now enjoy the mount horrocks lookout again as fire season is not active.
Bravo to Watervale’s David Spackman, who is a proud South Australian Recreation Trails Inc (SARTI) Board member and land owner along the LFT for working with other members of the SARTI Board to develop an alternative route for the LFT so that walkers can continue walking during the Summer months – if they so choose.

Please note that the whole of the Lavender Federation Trail (LFT) is
The Mt Horrock’s summit is actually on private property and walkers are given the privilege of accessing this magnificent lookout by the generosity of the land owner.
As serious fires have become more common land owners have become more concerned about managing the risk and danger of fires and of the people who may be on their properties. The farmers are faced with tough decisions, one being if they allow walkers to continue accessing the trail during hot days. As well the decision is not always up to the farmers, as there are other external groups who influence that decision.
David realised the issue so he went about finding and organising a suitable alternative route during the closed times, so that those walking the trail could continue to do so without interruption.
The Board would like to make everyone aware that there is NO WALKING ON THE TRAIL ON TOTAL FIRE BAN DAYS.
It is recommended that walkers be extremely cautious if considering walking on hot days. Please be aware of the weather forecast (link to BOM Forecast for Watervale), CFS warnings (link to CFS SA Warnings and incidents) and indeed local conditions. Local conditions can vary tremendously, the trail is 325km long and travels through both wet and very dry areas, with extremes of heat and cold and also at times high winds, all of which can be a risk to you under certain circumstances.
Additional information about Bushfire Act & Watch Messages can be found on the Clare & Gilbert Valleys Council website
Extreme Fire Conditions can be life threatening. Fire can move very fast and trap you from your perceived escape route. Depending on the conditions at the time, your life could be in danger or injuries you would not wish occur.
Now that we have warned you, we would like to say that for 80 ~ 90% of the walking season you will have great condition and being out on the trail will be fantastic, so don’t be scared off!
That is why it is so fantastic to see David develop a safer route to be able to extend the walking in the Watervale area.