First Full Length Trail Walk

NSW Walkers First to test Eudunda Trail

(This report in the local new at Eudunda was at a stage when the trail had been developed from Murray Bridge to Eudunda and represents the start of thier trip).
Read about thier full journey in the “Great Walks” Magazine here

On the 30th August Eudunda representatives of the Lavender Federation Trail met long distance trail walkers Di Waterhouse and Heather Littlejohn of Kempsey and Judy Nisbet from Dondingalong (near Kempsey) along with Helen Wood from Ladysmith (near Wagga Wagga). A perfect morning greeted them as they started the trail from Eudunda to Murray Bridge, planning to do the 212 km walk in 14 Days.

NSW Walkers point to new trail at Eudunda
L-R: Helen Wood, Di Waterhouse, Heather Littlejohn, Judy Nisbet contemplate their long walk ahead.

Di Waterhouse explained,
“Judy & I have travelled over 2,000 Kilometres to do this trail and we are privileged to be the first to walk the new, unopened 55.6 kilometres section of the trail from Eudunda to Truro. In fact map 4 of the Lavender Federation Trail has come hot off the press so we could do the trip”.

“We love to get together for these walks. We plan to take it easy and enjoy this walk”, Heather Littlejohn informed the group.

Prior to leaving the visitors admired some of the South Australian Living Artist Festival (SALA) displays, remarking on the ‘yarn bombed’ street poles, posts, letter box and the ‘skinny mini car’ and also a visit to the Colin Thiele sculpture in the gardens. Displays will remain until the official opening of the new section of the trail from Truro to Eudunda on the 28th September so visitors can enjoy them too.

The walkers all agreed that it was great that the walking trail came right into Eudunda and how it will benefit the town and were excited to hear about plans to take the trail further North along the Hampden railway line, mentioning some great walks in Victoria along their rail lines. They were enthusiastic to hear the plan is to take the trail through the Clare & Gilbert Valleys to Clare and of the possibility of the trail linking with other established ones on the way.

Some quick photos had them remark that being greeted by locals happy to talk and having photos taken made them feel like they were celebrities.

NSW Walkers at Eudunda Railway Station
L-R: NSW Walkers Heather Littlejohn, Judy Nisbet, Di Eudunda Railway Station start their 212km walk to Murray Bridge

Helen Wood had elected to drive this trip and had booked ahead to stay at Footeside Farm that night. Knowing everyone had an easy walk the first day, she had plans to extend their walk a bit further and ferry them back for the night.

South Australian Recreational Trails Inc (SARTI) board member Graham Hallandal of Murray Bridge has been in contact with the intrepid walkers last Friday night, and found out they were camping at Tungkillo. They are really pleased with the walk and the scenery so far.

“Their feedback about the trail will be very valuable to the trail developers, and Di Waterhouse is going to write an article in the Internationally acclaimed ‘Great Walks’ magazine about their walk which will be great publicity for the trail.

” We encourage anyone from Clare, Burra and between to find out more about the trail as we move into their areas and the perfect place to start is to join the Eudunda and surrounding community as they celebrate with us at the opening of this new stage of the trail. More details of the opening can be found on the website at”, Graham finished off.

Read about thier full journey in the “Great Walks” Magazine here