Annual General Meeting (AGM)
of South Australian Recreation Trails Incorporated (SARTI)
will be held on Thursday 5th July 2018
at the home of SARTI Chairman Chris Bushell,
69 Valley View Drive, Highbury.
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of South Australian Recreation Trails Incorporated (SARTI) will be held on Thursday 5th July 2018 at the home of SARTI Chairman Chris Bushell, 69, Valley View Drive, Highbury. Lunch at 12 noon (please contribute a salad or desert), AGM at 1.00 pm followed by a general meeting.
Some SARTI Board members have indicated that after many years of work building the trail and all the work associated with trail building that they will be retiring.
There is an opportunity for anybody interested in having a say in SARTI and its future by taking a position on the board.
The only commitment is attending meetings that, in the past, were held about 6-8 times per annum, but in future, 4 times PA.
Contact Chris Bushell on the web form below if you require any details about SARTI.