Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ

We hope to answer some common questions here.

We caution people from going to and downloading any files professing to be for the trail that do not come from our official Sources.
(Especially if the source is not known to you).
We ask that if you find any sources like this that you report them to us on the .

Here are our Official Sources:
Our Website,
Our Facebook page,
Our Twitter Feed,
Our Footsteps & Pedals Newsletter, South Australian Recreation Trails Inc (SARTI) (
(This news will come by email, if you haven’t signed up yet please consider doing so). Sign up for here

Normally we will place any files you might need to download on our website. We will then post news about that file on the website and social media, and POINT THERE with a URL to the post where the file is for you to download.
PDF Files – Generally the files to download on the website will be in a universal file format called .PDF (Portable Document Format).
PDF Fillable Files – As an alternative to web forms we may occasionally have a special PDF Fillable file available, they look the same as a normal PDF file, but have special areas where you can type into, and generally there will be instructions on how to send that back to us (filled in).
Photo Files – We have many photos on the website and they will be in the format .jpg and .png
We also employ web forms as much as we can so you do not have to worry about a PDF Reader program.
See also FAQ item “Maps – .gpx files not available”.

You have downloaded one of our forms or reports or even our invoices as a PFD and it does not display.
Most information on this website is in PDF file format (Portable Document Format).
There could be a variety of reasons you are having trouble, some being:

  • The computer does not have a PDF reader installed and running,
    Download and Install one of the PDF readers suggested (or any of your choice)
  • The PDF reader is not up-to-date and unable to read the format this file is in,
    Download the latest version solves this most times.
  • The file may not have downloaded properly?
    Try downloading the file again. If this doesn’t work – try clearing the computers CACHE, and then try again.
  • It downloaded and you have a Acrobat Reader screen, but document is blank
    UPDATE to the latest version should solve this.
  • Your Default Browser might be at fault
    there are several alternative browsers to mention,
  • For Windows or Android Phones or Tablets -try: Chrome (Google), FireFox, Opera.
    Another alternative to try is to SAVE the PDF to your local disk storage such as a hard drive, then use your file explorer to browse to that file and try loading it from there. (this will eliminate a problem with the browser.
  • Your Virus Checker or Browser might prevent Pop-ups
    Sometimes certain software can block pop-ups from working (as security setting), On the website we display our PDF’s in a new window and this can sometimes be taken as a pop-up. You should allow this window to display. You could make the website a “trusted” site.

Downloading a PDF Reader – We suggest you choose the installer package which suits your needs best, and this will vary because of the device and operating system you are using. The info below is very general.

Adobe PDF Reader
If you do not have Acrobat Reader, please visit the Adobe Website
Get the latest version FREE download of (Windows, Mac, Linux & Mobile versions) from here.
Or try
Foxit Reader
If you prefer to have an also FREE but MUCH SMALLER DOWNLOAD (yet just as good) PDF
Reader why not try “Foxit Reader”.
Get the latest version FREE download of (Windows, Mac, Linux & Mobile versions) from here

Due to a recent inquiry, SARTI feel it worthwhile to warn people to be careful online.

SARTI would like to inform all our supporters that, currently we do not supply .gpx files (or any other format navigation files) for the Lavender Federation Trail.
(Note that the Lavender Cycling Trail does have Navigation files - acessible from the Lavender Cycling Trail website)

We caution people from going to and downloading any files professing to be for the trail that do not come from our official Sources. (Especially if the source is not known to you).

Secondly as the trail may change over time, any third party .gpx sources will be out of date, and this could present a danger to you if you follow that outdated one. As well, not sticking to the current trail may well cause you to trespass, which in turn may cause issues for SARTI and all trail users.

We ask that if you find any sources like this that you report them to us on the .

The trail is entirely constructed by volunteers using grants from Local, State & Federal Governments, donations from individuals & groups and membership of ‘Friends of the Lavender Trails’ – please join us, to help with maintenance of the LFT and to fund future projects.
Maps of the trail are available, six in all, and these give all details necessary including trail lengths, terrain, areas subject to inundation after rain, historical data etc. Map outlets are listed on the web and the income from map sales helps us fund upgrades & maintenance as well as produce new maps when changes or additional trails off the main trail occur.
Please refer to the link to access where to .

The trail is entirely constructed by volunteers and although our Trail Maintenance team try hard to keep it well marked and free of problems, things will happen which we don’t always know about.
You – the trail walker can help us!!! For which we will be very grateful. Please report what your concern is here.
Please refer to the link to access where to .

We are asked quite regularly if Dogs are permitted on the Lavender Federation Trail (LFT).

Many sections of the LFT are on private property with the approval of the land owner. They have stock, mainly sheep, on their property.

Dogs are not permitted, even on a lead.

That is the Blanket Statement for those who might consider walking the whole trail

SUGGESTIONS: Some Areas Are OK. 

Much of the trail uses unmade road reserves where fences are on one side only or don’t exist therefore stock wander over the road reserves. In some instances, farmers lease the road reserve for their use. They therefore do not want dogs, even on a lead close to their stock.

We must make it clear that we fully support the farmers wishes, it is after all thier livelihood and they have generously allowed us access to thier land so that walkers may have the best views or experiences on the trail.

We recognise that people with dogs love to go walking, and the benefits for both human and animal are immense. We do not wish to discourage your interest in walking the LFT, so have these current suggestions.

Areas in conservation parks at Monarto & Clare, dogs on a lead are permitted.

A section of the trail in Monarto travels along the boundary of Monarto Safari Park with strict quarantine regulations for their exotic animals. Definitely no domestic animals .

We realize that your dog could be well trained and not chase other animals. Most however, can't resist chasing kangaroos or wild animals.

Our message therefore is that you can take your dog on some sections of the main trail & for the entire length of some of the loop & spur trails (e.g. Springton Loop Trail-all on minor roads) but certainly not on the entire length of the main trail.

Our Footsteps newsletter - April 2020 refers to a bike trail that closely mirrors the LFT & uses the LFT in sections.

This may offer alternative sections to use from private property but is orientated around cycling not walking.
You can check this trail out on their webpage - M2C Trail (Murray Bridge to Clare Lavender Cycling Trail)

We occasionally get asked about how membership to Friends of the Lavender Trails works.

Multiple Years: How Do We Handle Additional Subs?

Currently we have been adding on from the current expiry date,
so for instance if you joined now - for five years
your join date being the 12/04/21  (we take it from when your payment clears)
Your renew date would be 12/04/26.

If in the mean time you paid a further membership (say for 1 Year) and did it within the 5 year period,
and your details were the same or similar so that our Membership Officer (MO) recognized it was you, or you told the MO,
then the new expiry date would be 12/04/27.

We have found that some people are actually doing this already, and it is very much appreciated.

Other people just make an additional donation when they join, or they donate further at a later date.
Donations & Sponsorship - Lavender Trails

We appreciate the support just the same, as it helps us to maintain the trails (and they are expanding - check out our current ones on the SARTI website).

Membership Officer (MO)