Food and Drink service at Manoora
Great news for walkers on the Lavender Federation Trail and Cyclists on the Lavender Cycling Trail (M2C) who come through Manoora.

Judy Searley of the well known ‘Cogwebs Hub Café, Bicycle Hire and Visitor Information Outlet at Auburn SA is looking after you with her
‘Coffee Cubicle’ at Manoora Memorial Hall three times a week,
Monday 09:30-2:30.
Thursday 09:30-2:30.
Saturday 09:30-2:30.
There are also Public Toilets there too so you will be well catered for.
Back last February Judy had LFT walker Paul stop and get food and drink from her van and he took a well earned break there too.
Judy would like to thank Paul for his permission to use the photo.
NOTE: Please check @cogwebscoffeecubicle Facebook page for any changes to times at Manoora on the days they would be going through there.
You can contact Judy at the Cogwebs Hub Café, Bicycle Hire and Visitor Information Outlet, Auburn SA – Coffee Cubicle – Mobile Café
Tel: 0400 290 687.
Find Accommodation in the Area [Map 5]
Historic Information Below
Celebrate Opening Webb Gap to
Waterloo & Manoora Trail
Sunday 23rd October 2016
start at 9:45am
The South Australian Recreation Trails Inc (SARTI) invite you
to a celebration of the opening of the trail section
from Webb Gap to Manoora.
All are welcome, bring your friends and family.
(we have interspersed some photos on the day into the text
announcing the opening)
9:45am Assemble at Manoora Oval.
10:00am Transport to Waterloo for those wishing to walk from Waterloo to Manoora.

12:30am Formal Opening of the trail section from Webb Gap to Manoora.

13:00am Refreshments available at the Manoora Oval Clubrooms.

Morning coffee will be served at Waterloo when the walkers arrive.
At the Manoora Centenary Park Clubrooms (Oval),
after the walkers leave there will have a cuppa for those who remain.
Manoora Primary School will have a sausage sizzle BBQ from 1pm
Coffee & Tea will again be available after the BBQ.
The “Bar” will be open with a small variety of drinks.
The Lavender Federation Trail is a project of
South Australian Recreation Trails Inc. (SARTI).
SARTI, The Regional Council of Goyder,
The District Council of Clare and Gilbert Valleys
and the local Waterloo and Manoora Community
have worked together to construct the new section of trail.
Everyone is invited to attend
and join us on this auspicious day.
Put the date in your diary and we hope to see you there.
Download Manoora Trail Opening 23rd Oct 2016 Flier
to spread the word – thank you!